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Speed dating ideas
Notes from the forum
Find here the notes from the session including a description of each of the resources you can download on this page and suggested ways of using them in your lesson. 
Here you can find the ideas the T&L reps came up with during the speed dating activity. 
The evaluation tree
The ticket collector
Teaching and Learning Forum November 2014


This forum was all about overcoming the challenges and barriers to peer and self assessment. In order to improve student progress students need to receive good quality feedback and ways in which to improve. Therefore it is important that if we are using peer and self assessment as a way of providing feedback it is done well so to improve student progress over time. 
Most of the barriers people felt were hindering good quality self/peer assessment was the quality of feedback in lower sets. Of the resources below, most people felt that visual resources were best for these learners, for example "The evaluation tree". 
Another discussion point which people found useful was giving students the "child speak" levels and they just highlight the ones which WWW/EBI. This way students are likely to value the feedback they have been given because they know it relates to the way the teacher will be formally assessing them. I have added an example of when I have done this in a Year 7 Computing lesson. 
Thank you to the teaching and learning reps (and everyone else!) who attended this forum. All of your ideas along with the ones we shared with you are below so you can download them and use them in your lessons just click on the pictures next to the titles. All resources are editable and therefore can be used in any subject/year group. 
Special thanks to Helen Wrigley who shared her "secret student" idea, an excellent way of increasing engagement in lessons. Her idea is also attached below. 
Download an editable version of the ticket collector resource. This can be used to record a learning journey over 1 or more lesson and evidences the type of feedback given. Alternative ideas on how this can be used can be found on the powerpoint above from the session. 
Have a read of the original blog where this resource was found 
Download an editable version of the evaluation tree. This way you can use the tree for your own use as it is currently set up as a method of self assessment but could be used for peer or group assessment. 
This could also work as a behaviour managment tool by encouraging students to reflect on the behaviours they have been displaying and thinking about the behaviours they should display. 
You could even put your art skills to work and create your own "learning tree" which has the key learning themes or topics on the branches and the students highlight which branches they have reached. THis can be completed at the start/end of the lesson/topic to show progress within over time. 
Film & Lesson review
Paired peer assessment
Paired peer assessment which can be used for controlled assessment preparation as no teacher feedback can be given in many cases. The idea here is that two students will give feedback to another (you could group students into 3), one peer is HA and one is LA/MA, this allows LA/MA students to see the types of things a HA student might be looking for in assessed work. 
You can add your 'child speak' specific subject requirements in the third column and this means students can clearly see what they are looking for in the work and these can just be highlighted during peer assessment. 
This download can be edited so it meets the needs of your subject/assessment. 
2 stars and a wish
Traffic light faces
Download an editable version of a 2 stars and a wish template. This is very similar to the school' system of www and ebi so should be easy to use in lessons or edit to turn into www and ebi. 
Traffic light faces - these can be printed off onto red, amber and green paper and the students can use it to assess their progress against the LIs and SCs. They can give themselves a target which can be used to inform future planning. 
Alternatively they can be used as peer assessment where students mark each others' work against the LIs and SCs and give each other the corresponding colour depending on what progress has been made. These can be stapled into books. 
Building Blocks
The Secret Student
No resource for this - just really easy to do! 
Slip a students' name into a folder at the start of the lesson and tape shut. Tell the students you have picked one student, who if displays positive behaviour and works really hard throughout the lesson will win a prize. The key thing is that the students don't know who is in the folder so then they all display the positive behaviours & work really hard as they might have the chance of winning a prize. Helen suggested getting a stock load of fun stationary for students to choose from as the prize. 
Download an editable version of the lesson review where students rate their learning and set themselves targets for next lesson. This is a lovely visual resource which looks like a film review poster. 
It gives students an opporuntity to add the keywords and questions for the next lesson which can be used to inform future planning. 
The original was found here:
Download this editable version of building blocks. This can be used in so many ways - firstly for students to record what changes they have made to their work as a result of peer/self/teacher assessment. This allows students to see what progress they have made over time and can be used as something to motivate students. 
Another way of using this is as a method of self/peer assessment where students write what key building blocks they have learnt during the topic or the lesson as demonstrated in their work or partner's work. Teacher feedback can also be recorded on this sheet. 
This could be particularly useful for practical subjects where work and progress isn't evidenced in a book or folder. 
What is great about this resource is that it allows students to add or change the blocks as they go along and this shows they are responding to feedback and making progress over time. 
Pupil speak peer assessment
I'm sure there are better examples of this out there, but this is an example of when pupil speak levels were provided as part of the peer assessment. Students simply needed to pick one sentence for the WWW and think of a way of moving up to the next level. 
There is also an opportunity for students to use the school presentation & literacty policy as well as a section for students to record MAD time. 
3 minute assessment plan
Here is an example of a quick self/peer assessment resource that was adapted from a longer version. This covers all of the school's marking policies which will therefore encourage students to think of their presentation, levels, literacy etc. The MAD time section allows students to record what action they are going to take as a result of the feedback and this progress can then be checked in their work. 
To see the original series of the "5 minute plans" check out the websites below, @teachertoolkit is also an excellent tweacher to follow on twitter.
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