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CPD Sessions 2015 - 2016    

Throughout the course of the year there will be a wide range of CPD sessions on offer to you. It is expected that you attend enough sessions to gain a minimum of 7 credits. 



The diary of CPD will regularly be updated, and this year, for the first time this can be found on the Google Calendar. 


Most of the sessions will be optional to ensure individual needs are met, however, when required there may well be the odd compulsory session for all staff to attend. Please check the Google Calendar to find out the upcoming CPD sessions. 


​It will also be expected that you evaluate at the end of each session. This enables quality assurance within the CPD delivered which will be monitored and addressed by SBR.





Please feel free to request any additional CPD needs that arise throughout the year.

Do not hesitate to contact Sean Broderick by email.




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